Gun and Weapons control issue - Action Required
by Walter Burien -


There has been several incidents in the US per mass murder over the last few years by deranged individuals.

Connecticut, Oregon, Colorado, etc.

The death count from these incidents has breached 100 with the recent CT atrocity leading to the horrendous deaths of 20 young children.

The news media, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and most networks have extensively dissected and examined hourly in regards to each of these events every detail of the shooter, lives of the victims, details of the perpetrator, investigation findings, weapons used by the perpetrator, where he or they may have gotten the weapons, profiles of the perpetrator's family and friends, criminal record of the perpetrator, any possible motive behind the act of each mass murder, hospital reports, interviews of police, investigators, funerals, and family members of the victims.

The brutality and insanity
of these events is atrocious and consequences of these events needs to be put into place by responsible corrective steps taken. In each and every event, if there were 1 in 10 responsible individuals, potential victims that were armed at the time, having lawful permits to carry a concealed or open carry self defense firearm, the perpetrator of attempted mass-murder would in most probabilities have been "taken out" prior to inflicting sustained and repetitive murder. Taken out by the armed responsible law-abiding individual(s) on location.  I note that a city in FL passed an ordnance where all were required to posses and learn how to use a firearm and the crime rate went to virtually zero.

In a related matter to the murder of about 100 people in the US by crazed lone gunmen, organized mass murder outside the US is at an unacceptable level, perpetrated by organized assaults. Mass murder exceeding millions of individuals of which tens of thousands are children. Examples would be Afghanistan, Iraq, and other surrounding countries. The brutality and insanity of these events is atrocious and consequences of these events needs to be put into place by responsible corrective steps taken, especially in light of being well over a thousand times higher then the mass murders committed in the US.

The reason these mass murders are over a thousand times higher
than what has occurred in the US is the fact that the perpetrators are well organized, funded with massive monies, having state of the art weapons, and being as such having ultimate control over what justification is broadcasted by the News media to orchestrate the soundbites the population hears (or does not hear) per each and every event of mass murder that takes place.

Mass murders that make the total mass murders in the US look like a drop in the bucket in comparison. The term mass murder is intentionally not used for obvious reasons. Terms and soundbites like: helping to free; destroying the terrorists; if they are not with us they are against us, for their own good; they will thank us for our help; acceptable collateral damage; etc.

Now if the same soundbites were used towards the mass murder events in the US in an attempt to justify the acts of the perpitrators, it would definitely not go over to well. So why do the same soundbites work on the population of the US regarding victims of mass murder from afar?

The answer to that question boils down to the intent of a very powerful control agenda presidium of individuals intent on mass murder over a lone crazed gunman's intent on committing mass murder.

If the news media, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and most networks gave coverage per the "millions" of mass murder victims from afar, extensively dissected and examined hourly in regards to each event, every detail of the shooter, lives of the victims, details of the perpetrator, investigation findings, weapons used by the perpetrator, where he or they may have gotten the weapons, profiles of the perpetrator's family and friends, criminal record of the perpetrator(s), any possible motive behind the act of each mass murder, hospital reports, interviews of police, investigators, funerals, and family members of the victims, there is not enough air time from all News networks to cover 5% of the same. Additionally if done, the population in the US would instantaneously revolt in uprising to stop these events of mass murder from continuing.

The selective presentation and news coverage per the acts of mass murder by lone gunmen in the US compared to the organized and planed mass murder justified afar, really has to sit heavily on the "thinking" conscience of the entire population of the US per what is sane or insane as a standard. Not OK here but fine and dandy afar. Reality and a good "thinking" conscience mandates not OK anywhere.

Always remember: Lone and crazed gunmen committing mass murder usually end up dead. The organized and very powerful who commit mass murder usually end up with better paychecks, massive profits from investments, and early retirement.

Lone gunmen are rather easy to take out
when confronted. But organized, well funded, and powerful ones, not quite the same case. They will use whatever tactic, false assertion, and lethal force to continue the execution of their intent of mass murder afar or if necessary in the US to eradicate opposition to their planned intent.

So, the question for each of us in all reality is: Are we human with good conscience, puppets, very well trained parrots, or a combination of each?

Sent FYI and for your conscious thinking from,

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854