Is a Global Extinction Event in the Making? Folks, is an upcoming mass global extinction event being kept quite? ANSWER: Yes it is. What is causing it to happen? ANSWER: Magnetic pole shift I have been concerned over the last 15-years in seeing the extreme changes in the weather and up-tic of the consistency in larger global earthquakes. Where I live in Arizona, I live at the end of a plateau overlooking a valley to the North in a location where I have a view of about 70 to 80 miles North, East, and, West. I have noticed over the last 15-years the weather patterns extremely change where the coldest winter months change to being off by two months and significant change in the high low temperatures over the same time period. What really caught my eye was the basic observation of the sun rising and setting where I am. I have a good perspective view over close to 150 miles East to West. What I observed was the traditional sun rising in the East and setting in the West shifting to now rising based on the perspective view in the South,South East and Setting in the South, South West. This being at the most extreme during the months of November, December. Even during the Summer months, the same is seen and my estimate of degrees off as to where the rise and set was occurring 15-years ago is off now by 15 to 18-degrees further South. My guess was: It looks like polar shift is taking place. I decided to research this event this week through official sources. What I found was rather shocking but very telling. I note 10-years ago I saw a few official editorials on the topic from NASA but then saw what appeared to be a gag-order effort on the topic. NASA's extensive section on their web site at that time was taken down. Here is the concern: In the past magnetic pole shifts were thought to take place over thousands of years if not tens of thousands of years. Well, the data, and the shift that is taking place is now showing a complete shift can take place in a time period of 40 to 100 years and could happen even at a quicker rate. One of the best websites that is compiling the official data from official sources is - The website displays in real-time the change. Their active pole shift display covering the period of 1600 to 2015 is VERY telling. The last 10-years shows the degree of the shift running at a rate that is unprecedented to our understanding of past comprehension. Could the magnetic North in another 10-years reach the state of Russia or even Korea? The way things are going, and with an exponential increase in the shift as the data reveals, yes that is possibility. What I learned from reading the articles was something I had not considered. I was aware that during a magnetic shift, especially approaching the halfway mark, earthquakes, tsunami's, and volcanic activity give the definition of extreme and constant events. What I was not aware of was the fact that with the weakening magnetic field, the earth looses significant oxygen. Loss of oxygen to an extent that corresponds with previous pole shifts millions of years ago that triggered mass extinction events on the planet. Question: Anyone living at high altitudes above 6000 feet, have you been feeling a little bit short of breath recently? I have noticed here in Arizona, local governments are going far out of their way to establish local citizen "Emergency Natural Disaster response teams." This is being done on every level of local government. Are these governments giving a "reason" for this extensive effort on their part over the last 5-years? No they are not. Well, I think this article I am putting out here qualifies that reason. A reason as big as it gets, polar shift taking place faster than anyone previously had imagined. The timing for that half-way polar shift happening to the year? I don't think anyone can answer that question exactly. The data though and the movement recorded, and I note with emphasis given, the exponential speed in which it is increasing, the answer to that question has one qualifier: Sooner than anyone had expected.. Not a factor of thousands of years as previously though, but a matter of years as is now understood based on the reality of the data and movement... Government's informative response to the findings of the data and quickening of the polar shift movement? ANSWER: As is typical, silence. They themselves, government, are preparing. Open disclosure to the population, virtually nil. But I guess they figure the population will learn in their own time based on the reality occurrences of the event. I personally feel very sorry for those living in low elevation coastal areas which is the majority of the population. Massive earthquakes and resulting tsunami's are not friendly to those groups. So to them, enjoy while you can and have some well thought out contingency plans to relocate to higher ground on very short notice. Per depletion of oxygen in the atmosphere, that's not a good thing for me personally being I live at 6125 foot elevation. To keep an eye on earthquake activity - To keep an eye on the effects of a polar shift - Earthquakes 1 to 12, (I to XII) what damage would occur to structures - Equating earthquake level to tsunami height -
Please share with all who need to see and learn. Per this event, ignorance is not bliss.
Home: (928) 458-5854 Arizona PS: Say goodbye to Washington DC, Manhattan, most of Florida, New Jersey, Boston, etc., with the 1st possible 100 foot tsunami generated from an 8.5 to 10.5 earthquake on the central mid-atlantic ridge. Probility of it happening soon in the next 10-years? The data being generated over the last ten-years says a likelyhood of, yes. Bottom line? Look, learn, understand, and then act to protect yourself, family, and friends within the time you are allowed to do so. But then, if you have a hot air ballon in your back yard that can go up quick, and the winds are favorable, you may just be safe in the event of the worst happening to the East Coast per a tsunami and dependent on the notice you get of the impending tsunami hitting.. ___________________________________ BACK TO THE CAFR1 FRONT PAGE: CLICK HERE |