The comprehension key to unlocking the big vault door


by Walter Burien

CAFR1 Reply to Dough per a post of 05/26/11 from the Ludwig von Mises Institute that is copied below my reply.




Here is the comprehension key to unlocking the big vault door on this issue:

1. Government investment outsourced internationally starting the exodus of well positioned massive government investment funds in the 80's, expanded in the 90's, and had a primary world market share come 2000. The investment returns first from Mexico in the 80's, soviet block countries in the 90's, and now China 2000 forward taking advantage of cheap labor were impressive to say the least. Mexico yielded 400% to 3400% annual returns; Soviet block countries 65% to 300%; China 500% to 7000%.  Greed as always focused on accentuating those circumstances contrary to "others" interests (The work-force of people from the United States).

Open-door government trade policies were set to guarantee massive returns on those well placed international investments. At each turn of the investment cycle for those international investments as the wealth transfer from those products being sold in the USA took place guaranteed massive profits. Over the last four decades the biggest conflict of interests from Government International investments vs. the work-force of the United States was at play here.

Anyone from the syndicated media, organized education, or political party who had any though of making this circumstance public knowledge stood the same chance as a fly buzzing around in a 10,000 watt fly zapper "due to the money and profit involved" and the world economic take-over facilitated in the same. The interconnected power-base was as far reaching and big as it gets here.

2. When examining any primary government policy set since the 80's, as the public was masterfully entertained being given a song and dance on the "why" the International policy was being enacted and implemented as it was (NAFTA - GATT, world currency movements, etc.)  the underlying core motive was guaranteeing those massive profits for US Government on those well placed and actively traded international investments trough the flood gates of trade pouring into the US and that wealth transfer taking place.

Keep in mind the US Government investments by the 70's, primarily by investment ownership already exerted primary influence over the large domestic corporations in the US. Quietly through private membership associations they exerted their influence to perpetuate the exodus of manufacturing from the US to international locations where the takeover investment plays were taking place through the use of those massive US Government Institutional investment funds to thus again guarantee massive returns on those well placed international government investments.

3. The ease of how the world markets could be manipulated by the US Government Institutional corporate investment cartel outside of public comprehension led to circumstances out of simple greed and opportunity to orchestrate massive theft and conquest on a grand scale by contrived circumstance being created as the pubic as  a mushroom was fed b*ll sh*t and kept in the dark. Done so based on the massive and easy wealth transfer out of simple opportunity wanting to build their own fortunes from those contrived circumstance.

Per the masterful entertainment of the public by the controlling parties it was like taking candy from a baby without any consequences or genuine liability for having done so. The two largest contrived circumstance in the last decade that guaranteed the quick transfer of wealth in the trillions of dollars were 911 in 2001 and the housing bubble collapse backed up with a massive international and very profitable (to the tune of 25 to 30 trillion dollars liberated from the domestic and international marks) derivatives play at the end of 2008.

As has been said from many, many generations ago: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" My personal favorite though is: TREASON: "Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason." Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612

How can this general and now all so pervasive circumstance be corrected for the public's behalf?

The public needs to become the "first line beneficiary". Up until this point the public over the last 1000 years was primarily left out of the loop being looked at by government as a "productivity resource to be drained and managed". (the primary motive and intent of government policy). This was not nor ever will be a "good thing".

Just as much as the comprehension was very effectively held back from the populace per what is stated above due to the massive money; investment return; and control derived therefrom, a void in comprehension will be diligently maintained by the government syndicate to maintain the current in place standard of government corporate operations. What CAFR1 has presented through the TRF - will if enacted make the population the "First Line Beneficiary", inevitably phase out all taxation, make it a win - win for all involved (public; government; and the financial cartels) and most important of all it changes the primary motive and intent of government policy from looking at the public as a productivity resource to be drained and managed into the intent now being to see the public as wealthy and as prosperous as possible.

You see under the TRF mode of operation within government, the more wealthy and prosperous the public is, the greater the truck loads of cash coming in for government and the financial cartels will be. Again a win - win for all involved. 

On a special note there is one other fringe benefit of the TRF mode of operation: The orchestrated events such as 911 and the housing bubble collapse would probably not happen again being that it would upset the apple cart of a very prosperous circumstance for "all". You see under the old of the public being a productivity resource to be drained and managed, in the very exclusive "Big Boys Club" there was a tendency to behind closed doors pat the players on the back that "pulled it off". Under the mode of operation of the TRF once in place, if the same was done disrupting the very profitable structured operation of the TRF mode of operation, those pulling off the same would disappear rather violently by directives of the Big Boys Club for have rocked the millennium in place apple cart. See that, even the ultimate greed principle at that point protects the people and all involved. So for the last time a win - win for one and all.

On a last note with emphasis added: If things stay the way they are I don't believe we as a people or a civilization will survive the final circumstances of the inevitable end result and that end could be sooner than you think if and when a snowball world circumstance presents itself that spirals out of anyone's control. In the alternative if and when the TRF mode of operation goes into full play we may just overt the before mentioned and the age-old promised period of the millennium could be at hand and in motion. A thousand years of prosperity for one and all. On a global note the same will work for every country on this planet in the same fashion.

Per stories, lets go back to the first, the story of Adam and Eve choosing between given paradise or eating from the tree of knowledge whereby if they did so they would loose given paradise and have the choice to create their own paradise (or Hell) with the knowledge obtained. My choice is paradise and I have staked my life upon it, what about your choice that through knowledge now present(s) itself to you?

Please share this communication by all means with all that you know and ask them to do the same.

Sent FYI and truly yours,

Walter Burien - CAFR1
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 445-3532


Websites:  and

Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs "Without" taxes. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) paying for every City, County, State’s annual budgetary needs!
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Ludwig von Mises Institute
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May 26, 2011
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Out of Business
by A Manufacturer on May 26, 2011

The last few years as an executive in a manufacturing company gave me a frighteningly close look at the inner workings of regulators in our government. Maybe I'm just naïve, but what I discovered was shocking.

In the past, I realized our leaders were disingenuous when they spoke about "creating jobs" and "improving the economy." Now, I have a slightly different take. After my experiences this year, and after giving this a lot of thought, I am adamant that our leaders have no business in the first place "creating jobs," or "improving the economy," or even claiming they have the ability to do so.

In fact, I have witnessed the loss of jobs as a direct result of regulations by unnamed and unelected bureaucrats, who are backed up by threats of prosecution from the government. Our government is stifling job creation.

Although I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am certain that if I wrote about my experience with specifics, the company for which I work would suffer retribution by our government. I do not have the right to put them in jeopardy. And if the legal department of my employer knew I was writing this, they would "lose it." For these reasons, I feel it necessary to write anonymously and with some imprecision.

This fear of retribution, in and of itself, is a powerful statement about the sad conditions in which we live and do business in the United States.

So, here is the sanitized version of my story:

My employer makes very expensive pieces of equipment for use in an industry that has itself sustained undeserved attacks by our government and by unscrupulous so-called environmentalists.[1]

In any case, our pieces of equipment (let's call them tractors) use expensive components (let's call them engines) made and sold by Americans. The engines are used by American workers in multiple states and they make more energy available for Americans. That fact alone attracts the ire of some. But the fact that our service is very valuable and produces large profits makes the industry and the service an irresistible target.

This year, I learned that one agency of the federal government has created and is enforcing rules that strictly limit the types and numbers of engines we can buy to make our tractors. They limit how many of each type of engine we can buy in a year, and they limit the grand total we can buy. This is offensive for many reasons — not the least of which is that we would hire more people if we were allowed to make more tractors.

I could make an endless list of the unseen and damaging effects of their nonsense. But here is a short list:

  1. Without these rules, we would hire more welders, assemblers, and accountants. This would result in the improvement of our local economy, because the new employees and their families would all need food, clothing, housing, entertainment, etc.

  2. To keep up with our increased demand for the tractor engines we need, the engine manufacturers, their employees, and their families would benefit.

  3. The companies to which we sell tractors would hire more operators. Their families and the places they shop at would benefit.

  4. The companies who request our product would become more profitable, resulting in expansions, bonuses, etc.

  5. And, last (and totally forgotten) are the American citizens. Each and every citizen would benefit from the larger supply of energy and the resultant lower prices.

Some people might say that it is good to limit the numbers of these engines in order to protect the environment. But that argument only holds water long enough for a ten-second sound bite. The reality is that this destructive government agency also has rules that permit smaller versions of the same engines. What that means is that we would be permitted to create 50 tractors using the (approved) smaller engines instead of 20 using the larger ones. It is true that the larger engine pollutes more than the smaller one. But using the smaller engines would require more tractors to be built and more fuel to bring them to the job sites. In other words, using fewer tractors with the larger (evil) engines produces fewer net emissions than more tractors with the smaller (approved) engines would.

So, who is causing all this, and why are they doing it?

You can answer that question for yourself by discovering who benefits from the regulations. The list includes the politicians who use these issues to their advantage regardless of the truth. It includes the government bureaucrats who want more power to justify their own salaries and positions. It also includes reporters who can't wait for the next "breaking news" about an "environmental threat," or "dire emergency." And it includes university professors and other academic elites who come in to petition for huge government grants and to get paid to speak as "experts." The dark irony is that all these supposed protectors are really engaging in a self-serving round robin of deceit.

The truth is they are horrifically destructive to the prosperity and well-being of all Americans. But because their public faces hide the despicable truth, they have been able to get away with it.

Our only hope is to get these people out of business — literally and figuratively. I've got to be honest, though. It won't be easy. They are fighting for their livelihoods, too.

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[1] I could go into the multitude of proofs and facts that show that the environmentalist's claims are just wrong. But I won't waste my time except to make just two short points: (1) These are the same crackpots that are foisting the "global warming/cooling/change" nonsense on us. (2) And, even though we are characterized as being the equivalent of environmental devil worshipers, the people and companies in my industry don't just want a cleaner environment; we actually take action to make it happen. The charges of the so-called environmentalists are insulting and are simply wrong.

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