So goes California so goes the rest of the Country [Reality Check]
by Walter Burien

Is institutional and personal organized theft under the pretense of maintaining a "status quo" the basis and standard of our country's modus operandi now?

It appears so.

Selective presentation that is psychologically designed to maintain massive fraud and the bilking of tens of billions if not hundreds of billions of dollars in almost every state from the general population is the definition of a criminal enterprise.

What is being promoted in California as to "budget shortfalls" fits the above definition.

In an effort to establish clearly the use of selective presentation being orchestrated out of California the following two articles will be helpful to you in comprehending the shell game being played out.

The first article is entitled "Is Our Government Bankrupt?"  -

The second article is a challenged that was made by CAFR1 to the San Francisco Chronicle, news paper that was promoting the CA budget shortfall within a shell game selective presentation.

The challenge if complied with would flip the selective presentation to the other side of the issues involved clearly establishing in plain words: "a fraud being perpetrated on the taxpayers of California". In light thereof only silence came back from the SFC.

The same challenge could be made by any party to the LA Times or any other large news paper in California.

I am afraid to say based on the consistency seen to date that any large news paper in California, with most being in a symbiotic relationship with government would not be so bold as to qualify the fraud being perpetrated by accepting the specific challenge made for disclosure, "a showing of the true wealth held".

If a public company such as Microsoft, IBM, J&J, or Google promoted losses and at the same time did not mention their massive investment assets from many different accounts and sources in an attempt to:

1. Not pay a dividend to its shareholders.

2.  Perpetuate hidden wealth through nondisclosure and through the promotion of loss causing the collapse of their own stock value giving them the ability to re-buy their own stock at pennies on the dollar, and in effect stripping their own investors of massive wealth.

In end result if caught doing this, all directors involved would be indicted by the SEC, convicted, and then would be serving long sentences in San Quentin.

Do most of our elected officials know they are operating a criminal enterprise?

No. They are to busy getting, spending, investing, and building their own and friends personal empires from the use of your money to think about it. Many though know exactly what they are doing.

Keep in mind ENRON promoted their profits and hid their debt. Government does the exact opposite: They promote their debt and hide their profit. A review of any one of the many thousands of local government Annual Financial Reports establishes this fact.

Break the shell game of "selective presentation" by government and their symbiotic partners the News Media; Controlled education; and the big two Political parties by insisting all taxpayers carefully review their local governments Annual Financial Report. A Google search using quotes on the name of the "local government" and "Annual Financial Report" will pull up many for downloading. Make copies of the CAFR or AFR report when viewing on the internet and put on CD. Then go to these "budget shortfall meetings" held by your local government and pass out many copies of that CD to others there and let them all know to look. BREAK THE ONE-SIDED selective presentation being made by that local government  through disclosure made by the many now looking and learning.

A city can be saying: "We are fifty million dollars short on our budget" and at the same time upon review of their Annual Financial Report be at the same time two hundred million in the black for the year.

You were not intended to look and that is how the game perpetuates itself. Great effort was extended by those on the inside track to make sure you did not look due to the money; ownership; and wealth involved. You and yours were masterfully entertained with distraction sound-bites that were designed to keep you off in la-la land exercising futility of actions.   Looking, learning, and then comprehending qualifies reality and breaks the shell game being played to your disadvantage as fortunes are transfered and made by others running the show.

Remedy you ask? I have put it out there now for the last nine months on a silver platter for the people from any local government to implement the process whereby all taxation can be eliminated one venue at a time and return true ownership to the people. If done, by the superlative example shown it will become the standard across the land and inevitably the world. I truly know how Edison felt when he said this light bulb he was working on will one day light up the world and many people said: never happen, and many laughed at his projection stated.

Is it happening at this time for the people within any local government in the land? No, it appears the right people who can make it happen from the public are being too masterfully entertained to notice or motivated to move on to make it happen.

Did Edison succeed in bringing the light bulb to the world? Yes he did. Will CAFR1 succeed in bringing the TRF to the world? Yes he will. Edison and CAFR1 have the same common denominator to make their vision happen: An un-dieing persistence while understanding the importance of what they are doing and the tenacity to stick it through until it happens.

Edison's first showing was when he lit up one street in Menlo Park, NJ on December 31, 1879.

CAFR1 on December 31, 2009 released the documentary "The Only Game in Town" [ to view trailer

It is time 120 years latter to light up the world again?

The clock is ticking and every day that goes by without true affirmative action to make the TRF happen in one venue as the example shown is a travesty to one and all.
Be masterfully entertained by the syndicate at your expense or take back ownership of this country to make your true prosperity happen. End all taxation now or latter, you and yours will decide the timing of that reality.

Sent sincerely by,

Walter Burien - CAFR1
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, Arizona 85936

Tel. (928) 445-3532

Pension funds pay a salary and benefits at retirement. Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs "Without" taxes. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) paying for every City, County, State’s annual budgetary needs! This now makes the people the true owners with government being the true service provider. Government has already shown that a TRF works by example through the management of their own combined multi-trillion dollar pension funds! CAFR1 says: Make it law and make it so!
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