Scope and Size - How many "unique" Government entities are in your State?
by Walter Burien - CAFR1


The following link is for the recent 2012 Census (published in 2013) report of: "Census of Governments" in the USA

Please download the report over trying to read online. Online to view takes time. Downloaded it can be viewed from beginning to end quickly, and allows for easy copying and sharing with others.

VERY IMPORTANT: Keep in mind each entity listed in your state in most cases will do its "own" Annual Financial Report, with its investments and cash / investment balances "separate" from any other local government's report.

Think "Scope" and "Size" of it all.

ALERT!So when you locate and review any local government CAFR relevant to your location, and you think you are looking at it all, you are not! To see "it all" requires pulling up all other associated governments in the same location if be City, County, or State. Again, think "Scope" and "Size" of it all, and this is just for "Local Governments". Federal is another basket of oranges.

The millions of "We The People" as a formidable group  keeps getting smaller and smaller every single day. Same thing pertains to our prior wealth held, smaller and smaller every day.  The diminishing of the Private sector that is, the government sector surpassed the wealth of the Private sector two decades ago. As far as those big beautiful houses we see going up in our neighborhoods since the 90's, I wonder how many of them are owned by government employees, or individuals who directly get their wealth from government contracts? I will take a guess and say its in most likelihood the majority.

Bottom line? What I learned in grade school per communism (Russia and the soviet block countries of the 50's) and those Communistic governments owning it all, the much more "efficient" and "productive"  blueprint for doing so has been well surprised in the US of A... Do the people of the USA comprehend this? No, they do not. Masterful entertainment of the population from the USA (good, bad, and the ugly) is designed so they never generate a cognitive thought of the specifics of this situation that has developed over the last few decades. Also as noted in the last CAFR1 National post per the WND articles from 1999 and 2000: "You now know why Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev for Russia and then the China Government several years latter made the change "to go Democratic", the government here in the USA showed both the better blueprint method for ultimate population control and the complete takeover of the wealth of a country by government. Just masterfully entertain the population into distraction, maintain the cognitive void of your wealth held, increased annual income, promote you are always running at shortfalls, and the rest is easy."

a WriterI am but one-person as we all are. Disclosure by CAFR1 and from those that have learned "The Biggest Game in Town" that started in June of 1998, has been accomplished to a limited degree  towards government's "take-over of it all" and expansion for the same right up until now, 2017. With the hundreds of trillions of wealth involved, the void in the public's comprehension as to this overbearing but suppressed reality has been strictly enforced and perpetuated by Government and its cooperatives, and very simply done so: "Due to the wealth involved and the absolute control that wealth yields to and for the parties involved." Most involved with the structure doing this are not aware of the total ramifications or accurate picture of the whole forest. They are to busy reaping the whirlwind of the wealth they are obtaining through their control over  one or two trees "in the forest" as noted within the Census report linked above. (Make sure to save a copy. When a cognitive thought as to scope and size of it all ignites in the populations mind after viewing one of Governments own reports, especially as is tied in with this communication, the link to that report can change at a keystroke).

For over the last year, my efforts to launch the TRFA National headquarters designed to benefit the population of the USA and then globally has been on hold. The goal of the TRFA is the elimination of taxation with the replacement of that government revenue stream of taxation, replaced with the revenue of fiduciary trust fund management. All operating points of the TRFA are designed in making the population the direct beneficiary of the massive wealth held by government. The start of the TRFA has basically been on hold. One backer from Texas in 2014 got the ball rolling for the acquisition of the property where the TRFA National headquarters will be, and the start off development of that  property was underway until 2016 and has been on hold since that point. The Texas backer "owns it all" if the TRFA is not launched and running by 2019.

Personally, I have been chewing on and digesting for the last 2-years the "futility factor". What the TRFA is up against is the largest organized syndicate on the face of the planet (collective USA government) that is very happy with keeping things just as they are, the ever increasing extortion of massive wealth annually from the population, utilization of that wealth for their own purposes contrary in many a ways to the populations interests. They chuckle a little every day as they go to the bank viewing their ever increasing account balances as the population views with concern and dismay their ever diminishing account balances...

Since 2014 and the one-backer from Texas that got the TRFA National headquarters underway, did millions of dollars come rolling in for the TRFA to apply the gas to make the TRFA project complete and happen?

I did not do any fund drives, since 2014, I only watched to see what would come in the door based on many knowing what was underway. Well no, only a very small trickle of financial contributions came in from "other" parties from 2015 to the end of 2017.

At this point, my objective is to get the funds necessary to adequately fund (in pure reality terms) completion of the TRFA National headquarters, and have an operating budget for 2-years after completion. What I will be attempting to raise is $12,000,000. I have maintained contact with two wealthy individuals who have expressed over the years that what the TRFA is looking to do is the #1 thing without exception that should happen for the country.  So far as of this time, they, FG and GV have maintained as fence-riders. Will they step up to the plate to assist in true terms? Maybe, or maybe not. I thought about doing a Go-Fund-Me page with that objective noting that if one million people contributed $15-each, done deal. But, Go-Fund-Me takes after all fees associated 10% and your fund -drive can be killed by them for whatever reason at their discretion, so they were out.

I will note that a very small firm out of San Francisco, CA that has an internet server which operates a website and article post service called Reddit since 2011 in cooperation with Google search results has directed internet traffic as an "Attack the Messenger"  post that is a false, anonymous, slander piece against myself, in July of 2017, raised 250-million dollars, most of which was from 31-individuals. At the very end of my complaint to Google filed by me on 11/02/17 is a PS: note per that quarter of a billion dollars raised by Reddit -

Will the call or calls come in per financing to accomplish the funding to complete the TRFA project neutralizing the "futility factor"? I note I am offering  40% of the gross (not net) generated and ownership of all property involved to the backers who step up to the plate who allow for the completion of the TRFA Project. The backer(s) will have a good annual return until satisfied under terms on their investment agreement with the TRFA.

So if Reddit can raise 250-million dollars from 31-investors in "one-month" (Item 13 of the SEC filing) to do what with???? The "futility factor" here is to prevalent of an issue in consideration that the TRFA is moving on bringing "ownership" of the wealth of this country back to the peoples of this country's hands. The message is clear and irrefutable.  We all are involved with a monumental fight here.  Winning that fight is not just a "nice thing to happen", it is of paramount and essential importance to happen that will have a significant positive impact for every person, company, and government Worldwide of no equal from the past or into the future.. But as is the case from everything past, present, or future, the end result can be "just dust in the wind" or "the principle of operation" that impacts every day of our life." Billions of dollars change hands every day in the USA. The TRFA is looking for, and requires $12,000,000 to complete the mission at hand..

Who from that 1% (or even the top 3%) of the wealthiest in the USA is willing to make this happen?

The clock is ticking, what will it be?  JDITW   or   TPO

Truly Yours, the mouse that roared,

Walter J. Burien, Jr. - and
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel: (928) 458-5854 Arizona

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