THE MARKETS? - 09/19/08 by Walter Burien - ![]() Many people over the years have commented to me per the markets: "This is going to definitely happen" and then: " This is unbelievable that this has happened" as they watched their account balances flush down the toilet. I have told them all: "It all boils down to who owns the cookie jar!" He who owns the cookie jar determines the price of a cookies, how many are eaten, and which ones are sold or which ones are thrown away. So then everyone asks me which way will the market go and why? Why is it going to go up, or why down, and how fast? Here is a link to see all commodity prices on the futures markets: prices going down: More sellers than buyers. Per prices going up: More buyers than sellers. Who are the primary sellers? The government investment funds pooled through the bank, insurance, enterprise, and brokerage accounts that manage their funds domestically "and" internationally, many off-shore now such as CALPERS International invested outside of the dollar and in China, Russia, India, Mexico, Thailand and the like.
Who are the primary buyers that cause the big jumps? Government investment funds. The ones that are not part of the swings are the minnows who are good snack food for the sharks, the government funds. The big boys plan their strategy in advance, use the media to bait the trap and to school the minnows, at one corner of the pond and then they feast. With derivatives you make just as much money when prices collapse as you do when they shoot up. Your first leg of your trade leveraged in, is the profit or loss aspect. If you have the 0000000000s at the end of your account balance as government funds do, and you are going to drive the market down, you sell derivatives which are future paper financial contract commitments first and then when your target is hit, you close out your trade and buy back thus locking in the equity (cash) on the trade. Then if you are going to run the price up, you then buy and when your target is hit you sell closing out the trade collecting the equity. So up or down you rake in the cash as all of the surviving minnows lick their wounds on the curb-side. The government boys justify their actions by telling themselves: "Look at what a strong hold we have over the economy. As we take those loose dollars out of irresponsible hands from within our population thus snipping inflation, we profit and keep our economy strong by our investment ownership and control". Zig-Heil This all being coordinated with high-speed data technology and historic consistency that guarantees a big profit every time, up or down, slow or fast. The laws of supply and demand no longer apply in face of a 500 trillion dollar plus international derivatives market. The only thing that counts today is "who owns the cookie jar" and what they are going to do and when. A complete and thorough audit of all local and federal government investment funds for a composite showing, and especially their derivative transactions needs to be conducted immediately to establish how big of a cookie jar our government owns at this time, and where those domestic and "international" investments are and where their big profits were made from. If this had been done fifteen years ago, most of the tragedies that have occurred internationally over the last ten years I am confident would not have taken place. The covert conflict of interest would have been clearly visible and thus the unrestrained greed of the players restrained. Knowing (guessing in most cases) what their strategy will be before it unfolds is the trick. Hard to do with the masterful media priming that takes place each time designed to make the minnows reactionary and confused as easy prey for the feast. But then that is a good cue to follow. Spot the bait and realize it is designed to create a feeding grounds of plenty for the sharks. Government investment funds are now the market (the sharks) the public's investment funds are the food (the minnows). Look at the government bottom line investment balance sheets, they are in the black year after year. The public's investment balance sheets are redlining or evaporate more often then not. The false impression given by the media through selective examples given to the public is designed to give the impression government is redlining while at the same time no mention of the massive and profitable government investment funds and with virtually not a peep as to the public's slaughter.. This is done by intentional design to keep the doors wide open and moving along for the feeding grounds to prosper for the selected few. Keep in mind that these market trends over the months and the years equates to a few extra trillions of dollars changing hands by conversion (trades turned into into cash). In the past the large manipulators were individual family groups such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. They reaped the majority of the whirlwind they created. They were instrumental out of self interest in creating the path for government investment funds to expand and flourish. Today, the child they helped to grow has turned into an overbearing monster of a very spoiled and arrogant teenager that is ruthless. The large manipulators are now the pooled government investment groups. They have no equal. The old family groups may still be big players and have influence over direction but are mere kids on the street corner selling lemonade in comparison to the scope and size of the pooled government investment funds that 99.9% of the public are oblivious as to the size and scope thereof.. Where do you think government is getting all this money from to buy out all of the independents at pennies on the dollar after they have come under the foot of of staged government market manipulations? They do so after feasting on the minnows.... you and the outside players! Monies committed with implied levy on the public's backs for repayment by taxation tariff. The bigger and faster the volatility, the quicker the take and the weakening of a vulnerable outside player is accomplished for takeover at pennies on the dollar.. Government increases their investment wealth consolidating further control in one hand as they drain the public's pockets in the other. The tempo to this beat which primarily started in the 60's has now reached a fever pitch and a very dangerous overture come 2008. Well, you now have seen and understand Goliath. I wonder if there are any Davids still left willing to bring back some fair play to the markets and check Goliath's arrogance? Does the above answer the questions you may have had? Walter J. Burien, Jr. - AKA: Bubien - CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) 1978-1992 NFA ID#:0035029 P. O. Box 2112 Saint Johns, AZ 85936 Tel: 928-458-5854 Website: PS: Read the articles, listen to the radio programs, and watch the videos on the CAFR1 front page, and the bright lights will begin to shine for you.. -------------------------------- Pension funds pay a salary and benefits at retirement. Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs "Without" taxes. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) paying for every City, County, State�s annual budgetary needs! This now makes the people the true owners with government being the true service provider. Government has already shown that a TRF works by example through the management of their own combined multi-trillion dollar pension funds! 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