PBS Special - A Keeper!
09/03/09 - by Walter Burien

I have never asked anyone to go out of their way to watch a PBS documentary before.

Today is the exception.. The following I watched tonight, and then watched it a second time.

The theme is per the Hollywood communist blacklisting of the 40's. What caught my eye was the personal comments of one person, Dalton Trumbo who so eloquently stated within his writings the egregious aspect of individual repression through being blacklisted by a group of government players that had you in their cross hairs for elimination. The times and the reasons may have changed, but the technique used is ever stronger, more refined for impact within the new "Corporate Government", and more vastly applied as the standard of today.

The comments made, especially towards the end are profound.Trumbo2

The link to the short program promo at PBS is - http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/dalton-trumbo/introduction-to-trumbo/1165/ find out when it is playing on your local PBS station or order it from PBS

I strongly recommend that you watch and record this for others to watch also. The words said per the circumstances of the not so distant past may be lost and not comprehended by the young, but to the seasoned soul, the words expressed, the stories told, are profound and should be remembered as words to inspire per the circumstances each and every one of us finds ourselves unfortunately in today to some degree. 

If you are a true American as you were supposed to be under a constitutional republic, you are now quietly placed on the Blacklist of today. Let the words from this documentary sit firmly in your mind for our vigilance needed to see a better future for our tomorrow.

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien - CAFR1.com

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