Article link: -------------------------------------------------------- by Walter Burien 09/14/19
Your looking at it in the wrong way (the way they are promoting it to you)
Looking at it on a personal level example works best for understanding.
So, let's see:
1. You project out your liabilities 45-years. Your 30-year $325,000 mortgage will be paid off with interest with $610,000.
Your retirement fund at the end of 35-years currently has $150,000 in it. You currently are making $40,000 per year, and when you retire 35-years from now you will need:
a. after accounting for cost of living increases; inflation outside of the normal cost of living increases; promotions; increased costs of health care, etc.,
b. you will have to account for what you are making now 35-years from now, an annual salary of $285,000 of which under your retirement plan you will get 80% of and your health care costs will be at that time $70,0000 a year, so $285,000 + $70,000 = .$355,000 retirement costs.
2. So, the investment fund balance you will need using an actuarial projection of 10% return would be $3,555,000 (3.5 million). Now if you were using a 5% return projection, you would need $7,100,000 (7.1 million)
3. You also must cover your other projected liabilities, the 1000 acres of land you were looking to acquire 20-years from now, the office building you were looking to build 15-years from now, etc., etc. and it requires an additional $5,000,0000 to be put to the side...
If you, I, Bill Gates, or Warren Buffet used this type of accounting (which government created for themselves being that they had such massive cash rolling in the door that they needed to create one parking zone after another to hold that wealth) we all would look like we are on financial deaths door and appear that we have such massive debt we never will pay it off..
Government will say: "But we are only following Government accepted accounting principles (GAP). What they will forget to say (intentionally) is the fact these guidelines were created by themselves. The government boys created Private Associations, then their top financial people became the almost exclusive members of those associations, ,,, etc., and then through them created the accounting structures and guidelines to follow. It gives the ultimate definition of allowing the Foxes to write the laws (and guidelines) of how many hens are eaten from the hen house, when they are eaten, and by whom. With this type of practice in place, the rancher gets 10, foxes get 90.
On a last note, starting in the 70's forward, out of simple opportunity and the public's naivety, is when government had so much cash coming in the door, they needed to create "Parking Zones for it". The covert idea put into play was to move funds out of their budget accounting in one year (to one of their enterprise operations, a bank, an Insurance company, etc.) and then the next year say and show they had a budget short fall and needed to have a bond issue to cover the shortfall. The public may or may not look, and yes, on the local government's budget, there would be a shortfall so the bond issue (debt) was offered. Did anyone ever look to see who the investor was for that bond issue? Never.. Who in most cases was the investor? Well, remember it was mentioned funds were moved out of the budgetary accounting the year before? Where it was moved to, again in most cases was the investor using the funds moved to them to then be the sole investor in the bond issue. With local governments doing this, they "create" the Parking Zone for that wealth originally obtained from the public, and to add irony and insult, the public is now paying interest for the repayment of that bond which was their own money taken from them in the first place.
Talk about the strongest reason to maintain "Silence is Golden"
I note that if AT&T, APPLE, J&J, etc., used the same Government Accounting standard, all would be indicted by the SEC and sentenced to 30-years + in San Quentin. The GAP accounting Government uses would be 100% illegal for a publicly traded company to use for obvious reasons.
The above is the underling foundation of what has been taking place over the last 70-years, and again out of simple opportunity and the public's (strictly maintained) naivety, . Government implemented the techniques for securing all of the wealth, in every aspect from the population. There is no accident that Gorbachev in the 80's and then China starting in 1999, said they are switching to becoming Democratic like in the USA. They both looked at the numbers and clearly saw that the USA Government had developed the best procedure for taking and securing the wealth and productivity value of an entire population under their control and for their use. Reference the raw data tables of the Z.1. Report. For example 2010 through 2015 as a .pdf file -
Keep in mind with this type of massive wealth having been systematically taken, again the silence is golden rule is strictly enforced. Syndicated media, controlled education, and absolute control over the large corporations via who gets Government's investment capital or the funding of those corporation's debt.
This communication is the most relevant, essential, and important communication every "thinking" person needs to see and comprehend.
Will the general population see it? Probably not more than 1000. For millions of thinking people to see it, a strong effort needs to be done by the few who actually get it, to copy and post on every chat board, news site, email posts, printed in hard copy and handed out, put up on every website to be read and thus comprehended. Will it happen? You, each and every one of you will determine that event..
As of today's date, the beat goes on for the Government take-over machine as we all are masterfully entertained with non-consequential illusion and delusion spoon fed us every single hour of every single day, and done so due to the massive wealth and control involved.
Sent FYI and truly yours for your future from,
PS: If the dots were connected, 80%+ of that government debt would be determined to be "self funded"
Hello Walter,
Came across this article that states that the US government is basically bankrupt if you include unfunded liabilities to the tune of 400T!! However, of what you know about CAFR and offshore investment accounts, is there enough in reserve to actually pay this off?
Mark G.
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